Does your company also struggle with this?

Cut costs, increase your efficiency, and get better control with just a few keystrokes. It's easy to understand why so many are excited about Visual Registration's system.

In times of increased costs and inflation, running a business with profitable results is becoming increasingly challenging. The margins are already low, and constant influence from external factors does not make it any easier. Even minor variations in, for example, currency and material costs, affect the ability to create positive results. This applies to all industries, but perhaps, especially to companies working with manufacturing, production, service and construction.  

Supercharge your efficiency

The vast majority of companies have a good focus on "lean" operations and efficiency. Management monitors the business and makes adjustments on how they can make changes to earn more. This focus is all well and good. However, the challenge for many is to get a good enough overview of the overall picture. See how things are connected, whether the right KPIs are measured and whether the implemented measures actually make the company more profitable.

Four parameters in particular stand out as particularly important to monitor:

  • Equipment (For example, machines that are critical for uptime and operation)
  • Resources (Employees needed to carry out production)
  • Materials (For example steel, chips and the like that must be purchased)
  • Contracts (Internal processes such as administration, resource utilization, invoicing and the like)

"Visual Registration has freed up over 30,000 hours and increased margins by over two percent for one of our customers, and that's only in 2022! »

These four parameters, which we call " The 4 pillars of efficiency" , cannot be ignored. Any deviation, both major and minor, will have a direct impact on the company's ability to deliver in the short and long term. Together, these make up the maximum capacity of your company.

It is automagic

At the same time, we know that controlling this is easier said than done. With several years of experience as both a contractor and supplier, we know how important it is. We also know how time-consuming it is. Thousands of hours have been spent measuring and monitoring in various systems and dashboards to be able to make the right choices. All these hours and all this experience means that we have developed a system to give you better control over the company, and that in a very simple way. So simple that we call it "automagic" .

In short:

  • We deliver
  • We understand
  • We simplify
  • We help you succeed!
Efficiency cycle

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