What should a time sheet include?

Disclaimer: This article is written according to the Norwegian Laws.

How it works

The Norwegian Labor Inspection Authority wants to make sure that laws and regulations regarding time tracking for certain industries are complied at all times. But what does the law really state? Should you keep time sheets in Excel or Word? Or do you need a time tracking system?

Time sheets can be tracked with...

There are several ways to register timesheets, where the most used are:

  • Manual time sheets in Excel or on paper
  • A time management system on mobile, tablet or PC

When using Excel or paper, you gain full control over the employees' time use and working hours, but it's highly time consuming. With Visual Registration, you can let employees clock in/our, edit in real time, oversee reports from previous periods, and still maintain control.

What is the purpose of time sheets?

Time sheets helps the employer:

  • Distribute working hours
  • Ensure that laws are followed

What should time sheets collect?

The time sheets must show the employee's daily:

  • Starting time
  • End time
  • Breaks
  • Overtime

By using an automated system such as Visual Registration, you can also calculate payroll runs based on overtime and breaks that employees enter into the system. This way you avoid spending time calculating this manually - you just need to go over and check that everything is correct.

Do you have to track hours continuously?

Yes, time tracking must take place continuously in certain industries. This is especially important in industries with rotation or shift arrangements, where it is necessary to comply with tariffs and overtime calculation.

Should working hours be documented in writing?

  • The employer must have a written overview
  • The list must show the number of hours the employee is available to the employer

Do you save money by using a time management system?

A common thought is that cost increases by investing in a time management system. However, a time management system will actually save you money, as you won't need to spend hours tracking time manually. Learn how Odda Technology saved time and money on a new time tracking system.

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